County GovernmentsMombasa County

Mombasa State of the County Address – Hon. Hassan Ali Joho

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Press Release

“A Socio-Economic Rebirth for County 001”

Speaker of the County Assembly
Deputy Speaker
Leader of Majority
Leader of Minority
Honorable Chairpersons of various County Assembly Committees
Honorable Members of the County Assembly
Clerk of the County Assembly
Distinguished Guests in the House
Ladies and Gentlemen

1. In accordance with Section 30 of the County Government Act, it is my singular honor and pleasure to address this Honorable House today on the State of the County under the theme “A Socio-Economic Rebirth for County 001”. I wish to thank you most sincerely, Mr. Speaker Sir, for this opportunity bestowed upon me, on behalf of the people of Mombasa on whose mandate I lead.

2. I therefore humbly request for your permission to deliver this State of The County Address.

3. Mr. Speaker, with the promulgation of the Constitution and the birth of Mombasa County Government, we have made tremendous progress in the growth and development of our County. I wish to take this opportunity to present in detail my key achievements as the first Governor of Mombasa and what we have done to bring services closer to the people of Mombasa.

4. Before I proceed, please allow me, Honorable Speaker to thank His Excellency the President, Honorable Uhuru Mwigai Kenyatta, and the former Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya, the Right Honorable (Eng.) Raila Amolo Odinga, for their bold leadership in the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI). This initiative seeks to create a new dawn of Peace, Unity, Stability and Shared Prosperity for the people of Kenya.

5. As Governor of Mombasa, Mr. Speaker Sir, I wish to declare my unequivocal support for the BBI process, and its expected outcome, as contained in the Memorandum submitted by the Coastal Counties and read during the Mombasa Rally held on 11th February 2020.

6. Mr. Speaker, the BBI has created a National Reform Movement in which we are convinced as a people shall create an opportunity to realign this Nation to the hopes and expectations of the people. We expect to take deliberate action towards providing a better
life and secure future for the citizens of Kenya. We cannot afford to lose another opportunity of a lifetime to restore hope and confidence in the leadership of this beautiful

7. I therefore urge the people of Mombasa and the greater Coastal region, to join me in ensuring that this process comes to a successful conclusion.

8. Honorable Members, the development plans of the County Government of Mombasa are guided by its long-term Development Blueprint, the Mombasa Vision 2035 (MV2035), which was born out of the Integrated Sustainable Urban Development (ISUD) Plan of 2015. This remains the driving force and engine of our growth. The MV2035 is fully aligned to the National Vision 2030 and the Big Four Agenda of the National Government. We are therefore fully integrated with the National economy and are moving in harmony towards the achievement of the Country’s overall goals and objectives, as envisaged by the Constitution and the Devolved system of Governance in Kenya.

9. Mr. Speaker Sir, in our planning process, we have taken note of the challenges facing our beloved people, the scarcity of resources and the desire to deliver a better County given the circumstances. We have therefore invested heavily in the use of data and informatics to
drive change and transformation in Mombasa.

10. Honorable Members, the recently released Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) Census Report shows that Mombasa rests on a 229.9km2 area of land and as of 2019 had a population of 1,208,333 people. Also, worth noting is the fact that it’s characterized by more males than females and a total of 378,422 households with an average house hold size of 3.1.

11. Population statistics globally form a critical planning tool and are a key determinant of resource allocation and distribution. Amongst the six (6) Sub Counties in Mombasa, Kisauni is the largest, with a size of 87.7km2 and a population of 291,930 people, followed by Likoni,
Jomvu, Nyali, Changamwe and finally Mvita, in that order. In terms of population density, however, Mvita Sub County has the highest number of people per square kilometer, at 10,543 (making it one of the most densely populated Sub Counties in Kenya), followed by Nyali, Changamwe, Likoni, Jomvu and Kisauni, in that order.

12. What do these numbers speak to us about Honorable Members? They speak volumes about the level of effort and distribution of resources required in these Administrative Units. Our people require services that are commensurate to their needs and situations. We have a responsibility as leaders, to ensure that every citizen of this County has access to goods and services like any other Kenyan, as envisaged in the Constitution. It is therefore our
responsibility to ensure that we respond to the clarion call of our people and deliver the promise we made at the ballot, to every resident of Mombasa. I take this opportunity Mr. Speaker, to assure you of my highest commitment to this course.

13. The Economy of Mombasa remains a critical component of the National growth agenda for Kenya. Between 2013 and 2017, our economy grew at an average of 4.7% in terms of the total Gross County Product (GCP). This is the second highest share of growth contribution among Counties in Kenya. It is also worth noting that Per Capita GCP growth for our County, over the same period, was higher than the national average. This implies that on average, incomes of residents of Mombasa were higher than the average income for all Kenyans in the Country. This is directly attributed to how we have supported businesses and investments in Mombasa County, created jobs and livelihoods and, with the support of the National Government, provided a decent standard of life to our people. I am committed to sustain this trend, Mr. Speaker, despite the myriad of challenges that have engulfed our home County over the past decade.

14. Mr. Speaker, the Covid – 19 Pandemic further compounded the problems facing Mombasa. The World Health Organisation (WHO) on March 11 declared COVID-19 a pandemic, pointing to the over 118,000 cases of the Coronavirus illness in over 110 countries and territories around the world, at the time, and the sustained risk of further global spread. This pandemic was based on the global prevalence of the Sub-Acute Respiratory Syndrome Virus Corona (COVID-19) and the rising incidence rate now confirmed in over 132 countries around the world.

15. Kenya so far has 36,981 confirmed positive cases (and 650 reported deaths) as at 20th September 2020. The total number of recoveries stands at 23,949 nationally. In Mombasa, we have so far recorded 2,675 cases, having tested 51,380 as at 20th September 2020. Reported deaths now stand at 72, while 1,013 patients are admitted and 520 are under home based care. Another 437 people are on self-quarantine. Total recoveries for Mombasa stand at 1,220. Based on the above numbers, Mr. Speaker Sir, am confident to report that my administration has diligently managed this Disease and successfully flattened the curve over the six months period that we have been on this course.

16. By way of example Honorable Members, through various County Directives, Presidential Executive Orders and by coordination with other branches of Government, the County Government of Mombasa took quick measures to mitigate the effects of this Pandemic in Mombasa. We directed the use of various outbreak management measures including quarantine, contact tracing, surveillance and monitoring, social distancing, isolation and treatment of the population. To further restrict the progression of the Pandemic, to reduce the exposure of most at risk groups, and to reduce the disease burden on public health services, the County Government ensured continuously enhanced measures to curb the spread of the pandemic.

17. As a County, Honorable Members, I am proud to report that Mombasa has set the pace for the Country at large in terms of the level of preparedness, mobilization of resources especially from the private sector, inclusion of youth, women, persons with disability and the elderly, in planning and execution of the designed interventions. For purposes of ensuring sustainability of the effort put into this process, the County Covid – 19 Emergency Relief Committee, chaired my myself and co-chaired by the County Commissioner, has cemented its relationship with critical partners including the National Government, Development Agencies, Private Sector, Civil Society and Aid Agencies to design projects and programs that will have a medium to long term intervention nature on our people.

18. Some of these projects include; the food relief and nutrition support program, provision of clean water and delivery of health services. In addition to these, we are now rolling out Cash – Transfer Programs through support received from various partners. This support is further expected to expand into a full scale Financial Graduation Model that will convert the cash receipts into savings mobilized for assets purchase, investment and business start-ups.

19. Mr. Speaker Sir, I can boldly proclaim, without fear of contradiction, that Mombasa was the first and the only County in Kenya, and by extension, the only City in Africa, that was able to roll out an immediate comprehensive food relief and nutrition support program that has successfully covered more than 110 thousand House Holds during the most pressing period in our post independence history. This we have achieved through private sector support, having mobilized about Ksh. 200million, in cash and in kind donations, and buttressed by the County’s own contribution of a similar amount, for which I most sincerely thank Members of this Honorable House, for the approval.

20. Towards a total Socio-Economic Transformation of Mombasa, Mr. Speaker, and as the Leader of this County, I have directed my people to devise ways and means of reviving the economy of Mombasa. This is an urgent and important matter that we must embark on with the seriousness it deserves. The County Government of Mombasa has therefore drawn up a plan, under my guidance, in the form of an Economic Stimulus Program (ESP) whose key objectives are as follows:

a. To set the County on an economic recovery path by investing in short to medium term solutions to challenges facing the economy of Mombasa;
b. To expand economic opportunities for employment creation thus increasing the disposable income of Mombasa citizens and subsequently, boosting their purchasing power;
c. To promote local economic development for equity and social stability;
d. To expand access to, and build ICT capacity to expand economic opportunities and accelerate economic growth;
e. To improve infrastructure and promote business and private sector investment in specific sectors of the economy such as; – the Blue Economy, Tourism, Manufacturing, Agribusiness and Value Addition, Light Industries, Entertainment, Renewable Energy and Transport and Logistics with a focus on Promoting Exports;
f. Invest in the Conservation of the Environment, for Sustainable Development; and
g. Undertake comprehensive Investment Climate Reforms, utilize ICT and Digitization, as well as support Innovation, Research and Development and Knowledge Management, to buttress all these efforts.

The ESP, ladies and gentlemen, is further supported by the Program for Urban Value Chain Innovations and Technology (PRUVIT), which targets to allocate up to a Billion shillings of County resources and mobilise, from financial institutions, up to Ksh. 10Billion to support the Sectors identified above.

21. These sectors, Mr. Speaker, have been identified as high impact, low investment and quick turnaround areas that will trigger revival of enterprise activities, create jobs, generate incomes, improve living standards of the populace, increase disposable incomes and purchasing power, lead to increased economic activities, reduce unemployment numbers and by extension improve safety and security in our peri-urban homes.

22. This Honourable House will recall that I have over time made critical pronouncements that were aimed at transforming the City of Mombasa. Today I wish to update you, Honourable Members, about the progress I have made so far and the key achievements, despite the various challenges that we have faced as a County.

23. We have diligently planned, budgeted and complied with legal and regulatory requirements and timelines, on matters of Public Financial Management. As a result, our Own Source Revenues have grown from about Ksh. 1.3billion in 2014/15 to Ksh. 3.7billion in 2018/19 Financial Years. We are now soaring high targeting Ksh. 5billion in the next two years and growing towards full potential of collecting as much as Ksh. 10billion per year.
These efforts are buttressed by automation of revenue collection systems. Most of our payments are now online, sealing loopholes for leakages and under declaration of revenue collections.

24. Our commitment to good financial stewardship, Mr. Speaker, has earned Mombasa County accolades at various platforms, buttressed by a qualified audit opinion from the Auditor-General for the Financial Year 2016/17 and 2017/18. Having said that, we remain cognizant of the challenge and responsibility of meeting our debt obligations and complying with National Treasury directives to settle all pending bills. I am happy to report to this Honorable House Mr. Speaker, that I constituted and Gazetted a Pending Bills Committee, mandated to settle all obligations by end of June 2020. A clear strategy for this has since been proposed and adopted.

25. Ladies and Gentlemen, the backbone of a working system is its people. My Government has therefore embarked on a Public Service Transformation Agenda aimed at a total turnaround of the culture and practice of work and operations in the County Government of Mombasa. This will, in essence, increase efficiency, effectiveness in service delivery, employee productivity, customer satisfaction and revenue mobilization, reflecting a service driven system that is focused on meeting the needs and aspirations of our people.

26. To sustain the momentum and accountability in my Public Service, I am happy to report that I have created the Mombasa County Leadership Forum where I will hold my top leadership staff accountable for performance and ensure continuous reporting on effectiveness in service delivery. The staff involved (the Leadership Team) will include H.E The Deputy Governor, The County Secretary, The County Attorney, County Executive Committee Members (CECs) and all Chief Officers.

27. In order to ensure that the County Government is responsive to the needs of its citizenry and the private sector, as key drivers of the economy, I have revived the Governor’s Private Sector Roundtable designed as a quarterly forum where the private sector, representing investors and businesses operating in Mombasa County, can discuss their needs and expectations with H.E The Governor, and also make commitments on what they will offer
the County and the people of Mombasa in return.

28. Further, in accordance with Section 54 (2) of the County Government Act, the County has established the County Intergovernmental Forum, which I chair. This comprises of all Heads of Departments of National Government Units rendering services within the County. The Deputy Governor and County Executive Committee Members or their nominees are part of this Forum. The main objectives of this Forum are:

  • · Harmonization of services rendered in the County;
  • · Coordination of development activities in the County;
  • · Coordination of intergovernmental functions; and
  • · Any other functions as may be provided for by or under any law.

29. Taking cognizance of the enormous support received from our Development Partners, my Government has also created the Development Partners Round Table, where all resources received in cash or in kind, are well planned, aligned to County priorities through a co-creation process, and accounted for in an efficient and transparent manner. This has enabled us regain the much-needed confidence and credibility to mobilise more resources and undertake public investments in the County.

30. Honorable Members, you will agree with me that this is a holistic view and approach aimed at ensuring that my Administration remains fully accountable to the people who have given us the mandate to lead and offer them services.

31. Mr. Speaker, I now take a more sectoral approach and wish to update these honorable members on specifics as follows:

32. Education is the backbone of every society. As a Government, we have taken time, resources and action, knowing only too well that as Herbert Spencer put it, “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action”. Elimu Fund has been mobilized as a powerful tool for economic empowerment. The kitty has grown to serve over 60,000 beneficiaries and disbursed a total of Ksh. 600million to date, making an impact on every household in this County. We also have the “Tukuze Vipawa” Program, which has offered over 2,400 Scholarships to Youths joining Mombasa City Polytechnics.

33. We rolled out the School Milk Feeding Program, doing over 32,000 children per day, 5 days a week, since 2014. Today, this remains the number one attraction and retainer for school going children. Talent, knowledge and workforce development have been prioritized and comprehensively addressed. Youth polytechnics have been rebranded to city polytechnics, taking up a higher responsibility, hinged on a commitment for demand driven skills development for a modern day city. Modern and state of the art ECDs have been constructed in your Wards Honorable Members, employing over 250 teachers, and many more will continue to be rolled out before the end of my term in Office.

34. Collectively, Honorable Members, these efforts have mobilized our children out of their homes and into the classrooms, transformed lives, given hope to parents and guardians, provided a promise for a better future and sustainable livelihoods, away from the current state of poverty, unemployment and despair. The future of Mombasa now looks brighter. Our people, having been empowered, will be able to participate actively in national discourse and make a contribution to the shaping of their own destiny through taking up space on the decision making table and playing an active role in the direction that Kenya takes as a Country.

35. Looking into the future Mr. Speaker, we want to get into partnerships to develop transformative youth capacity in entrepreneurial skills and apprenticeship, ahead of the opening up of the Special Economic Zone in Dongo Kundu and the Miritini Industrial Park. We are fully aware that the local and international enterprises established in these facilities will require state of the art expertise and globally recognized skill-sets that can provide technical services within the Zones and Parks. We cannot afford to have our people left behind. For starters, we target to train at least 2,000 youths in technical courses such as masonry, carpentry and wood work, painting, welding, electrical works, mechanics, among others. These will give us a good head start of capacity when the industrial parks and SEZ are ready for takeoff.

36. Honorable Speaker, Agriculture remains the heartbeat of the Kenyan economy, however, it has never been fully tapped as a transformational resource for growth and development of the city Counties. Mombasa is therefore, going all out to change this landscape. As a starting
point, we will establish Product Consolidation Centers in Mombasa, where farm produce can be collected from all our neighboring Counties and value can be added here in Mombasa, targeting export as well as local and regional consumption.

37. To sustain this model, Honorable Members, Mombasa will use its strategic location as the Gateway into Kenya and as a Launchpad for exports to the region and beyond, to mobilize all Counties under the umbrella of Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani (JKP) to pull together resources of the region and showcase our regional potential to the world. We have the social and economic strength and comparative advantage to play a leading role in JKP
governance and economic leadership and we shall deploy ourselves to support the agenda for growth and development of our region for the sake of our people. It is very clear,adies and gentlemen that if Mombasa succeeds, the region prospers.

38. Already we have noted that through several efforts made by my Government, the proportion of Mombasa County residents who are food poor has greatly reduced. From a staggering 50% plus, these numbers have now come down by more than 10 percentage points. The promotion of agricultural development and value addition, therefore, will attract investments in the sector, create employment, feed our people while ensuring their nutritional requirements are met, and open up a new value proposition for export growth and foreign exchange earnings for the County and the Country at large. Mr. Speaker Sir, I can assure you that Mombasa can feed Kenya! We have now aligned all our ducks in a straight line, and are ready for takeoff.

39. Mr. Speaker, we shall continue to purchase seedlings for our farmers, deploy our tractors to plough at subsidized rates, optimize utilization of the fishing boats procured and also consider empowering the existing BMUs to acquire more deep sea fishing boats. Rainwater harvesting through water pans shall be strengthened, targeting use by farmers for horticultural purposes in Mwakirunge, Jomvu and Likoni. These efforts will open up huge
employment and livelihood opportunities for the people of Mombasa.

40. My administration, Mr. Speaker, has taken drastic measures to address the problem of Climate Change. These efforts include increased activities in mangrove tree planting and rehabilitation of water catchment areas, as well as enforcement of solid and liquid waste disposal regulations, among others. There are also concrete plans to establish a solid-waste recycling plant in Mwakirunge area of Kisauni Sub-County as a measure of tackling the solid waste menace. So far, we have finalized development of legislation to promote investment in solid waste recycling and involvement of private sector in solid waste collection. The growing of drought tolerant crops has also been adopted as a strategy to mitigate crop failure as a result of erratic rainfall. Honorable Members, there is a lot of Donor support in this Sector, and my Government has what it takes to mobilise funding to support Mombasa’s Green agenda.

41. To spur growth of the Blue Economy, my Government has directed the creation of a Blue Economy Projects Implementation Unit to co-ordinate the exploration of the sector’s programs and projects, as well as mobilize local and international resources and partnerships, towards tapping the rich coastal and maritime resources with a huge potential for the development of the Blue Economy.

42. Honorable Speaker, Mombasa is going blue! Blue tourism, blue sports, blue energy, blue extractives and resource exploration, blue trading and investments, blue bonds and financing mechanisms, are all at our disposal as new revenue streams for the Government and employment opportunities for our people. Development Partners have also expressed interest in supporting Mombasa’s Blue Agenda. We will therefore pursue investments at a global scale in the areas of shipbuilding and repairs, dry-docking, port infrastructure development, water transport, and technology adaptation to support deep-sea fishing, among others.

43. Mr. Speaker, water access and quality remain a major challenge to the people of Mombasa. This has been the case for many years. Sanitation coverage in the County is also wanting. You are aware that we have taken steps to address these challenges comprehensively and systematically. I have directed the Department of Water to take measures to ensure that the water issue in Mombasa is holistically addressed and challenges fixed. Under the leadership of my Administration, Mombasa Water and Sewerage Company is now under new management and is on its way to recovery and self-sustainability. The company has developed a medium to long term strategy to address water and sanitation challenges including the redevelopment of the physical infrastructure network, reducing the none revenue water, improving water quality, identification of new sources of bulk water supply to supplement current volumes reaching Mombasa, and also a clear sanitation management system.

44. Among the key new sources of water is the Mzima II, expected to supply an additional 40,000M3 over the next 2 to 3 years, and Mwache Dam, expected to supply an additional 80,000M3 per day, by the year 2025. Other efforts include water desalination, with discussions underway with potential partners. We are therefore confident that the people of Mombasa will soon enjoy this precious commodity, which is a Constitutional requirement
and basic human right. Our only plea, Mr. Speaker, through the support of this Honorable House, is for a concerted effort in reaching out to our people and imploring on them to respect the rule of law, avoid undertaking illegal connections and destruction of our pipeline infrastructure, among other vices which expose all of us to dangers of low water quality, infections and related diseases and the possibility of a total lack of access to this valuable natural resource.

45. Honorable Members, on matters of Land, Physical Planning, Housing & Urban Renewal, we adopted the Mombasa Integrated Strategic Urban Development Plan (dubbed the Mombasa Vision 2035) as our long-term development planning tool. We also developed the Mombasa Gate City Master Plan. These planning tools have enabled us to have a coordinated and structured long-term view of the future of Mombasa.

46. Our planning is now more sustainable, taking into consideration growth of the population of Mombasa, influx of people coming in through rural-urban migration, as well as urban to urban movement from other Counties, in search of a better life, among other key considerations.

47. This planning model, Honorable Members, has opened our eyes to ensure that the projected population of Mombasa, estimated at 2.4million people by the year 2040, will be fully housed, connected to water, electricity, drainage and sanitation facilities, provided with adequate security, enabled to access a clean environment free of pollution and generally assured of a better standard of life than is the case today.

48. Mr. Speaker, we have rolled out eConstruction, eValuation, eRegistration of land titles, among other electronic innovations, which have fully transformed our Lands Department and the Customer Experience for lands matters. We have also fully digitized our land records, formalized informal settlements and improved efficiency and effectiveness in facilitating local and international investors setting up shop in Mombasa.

49. This is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the new Urban Agenda that African cities, which are now called Cities of the Future, are adopting and committing to deliver to their people. Efforts are also underway to house the residents of Mombasa in a decent and affordable manner. We have entered into partnerships for rebuilding our major estates in the County, targeting Likoni, Buxton and Changamwe, among others, aimed at
creating over 30,000 houses over the next 3 to 5 years. Mr. Speaker, this promise is a key delivery for my legacy and I assure you that I am fully committed to leave Mombasa better than I found it.

50. In line with the Big Four Agenda and the promise for Universal Health Coverage, Mr. Speaker, my Government was able to take the bold step of renaming and making the Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital semi-autonomous through Executive Order No. 1 of 2019. As a result, we have earned a lot of public and development partner confidence that has enabled the construction and equipping of new state of the art facilities in Marimani, Vikwatani, Mtongwe and Shika Adabu. We have renovated existing ones and engaged partners to build the capacity of our health personnel to deliver world class health services to not only Mombasa residents but also the nation, the region and the world at large, as we now gear up towards medical tourism, riding on our world class facilities, services and expertise. We have already received accolades globally for our specialized health
care services at the Coast General Hospital and its satellite facilities, for offering cardiac, plastic and neuro surgeries; oncology, ICU & renal dialysis; laparoscopic and endoscopy surgeries; among others.

51. Mr. Speaker, we are however deeply concerned about the recent developments in the health sector with regards to the new Covid – 19 Pandemic. We do not want to take this lightly and expose the lives of our people. We also do not want to panic, instead, we prefer to take precautionary measures as directed by our health experts at both County and National Government levels and manage the new way of life with this disease in our midst.

52. Honorable Speaker, on matters of transport and infrastructure, we have invested adequate resources in ensuring we maintain our facilities and existing stock of what we have built over the years. This is usually a challenge especially where Development Partners support Counties to build, but leave facilities to be run by the Counties themselves.

53. We have also been able to manage traffic through creativity and innovation. Our popular “Happy Hour” and the newly launched “001 Express” have been a major success, attracting private sector support and assistance.

54. Going forward, we will complete the development and thereafter adopt a comprehensive Master Plan for roads and infrastructure development for Mombasa County. Working closely with the National Government, we will seek prioritization of the rehabilitation and design enhancement of the Mombasa – Jomvu highway, Mtwapa highway, design and implementation of the second Nyali Bridge to complement the current bridge, and design
and implementation of the Likoni Bridge to complement the existing ferries plying the Likoni channel. The Mwakirunge road will also be developed to support our people, enhance food production and linkages to markets. Further, design and implementation of the Northern and Southern bypasses will also be undertaken to reduce traffic flow into the island and CBD hence providing a conducive business and investment environment. My Government will channel resources towards the development of infrastructure to support and encourage Non-Motorized Transport. This will support our people to walk, cycle and jog along our roads.

55. Over and above these ventures, Mr. Speaker, my Government is fully cognizant of the ongoing discussions and plans towards development of Dongo Kundu and Miritini Special Economic Zones. These are major economic drivers and industrial infrastructure facilities that will catapult economic growth and development for the County, the Country and the region at large. Through a Tripartite arrangement between ourselves, the National Government and Private Sector investors, we will mobilize support and resources for the development of offsite infrastructure in readiness for these zones. Roads, energy, social infrastructure and utilities such as drainage and sanitation, fiber connectivity, electricity and water, security, housing, schools and hospitals, are among the priority facilities that must be developed in preparation for full operationalization of these investments. Mombasa County
is on the front line to ensure that this is undertaken seamlessly, timely and to international standards.

56. In tourism, Honorable Members, we are fully cognizant of the effect of the economic slowdown caused by a myriad of factors. Mombasa has, however, traditionally been a destination of choice. We are ready to pick up our pieces and rebuild our brand. A holistic regeneration of the Jomo Kenyatta Public Beach will pave way for a total transformation, which will also extend to the Old Town, Mombasa Airport, and other key sites within the County. Resources have been allocated to support this program, beginning the second quarter of this Financial Year.

57. Honorable Members, I am proud to inform you that our Youth, Gender, Sports and Culture Department has run ahead of time with energetic momentum and speed to create a platform for our youth, women, people with disabilities and children to have access to renovated social halls; modern playgrounds such as Uwanja wa Mbuzi and Bomu grounds; access to funding for business and investments through the Mombasa County Revolving
Fund which has grown in size and coverage since inception. We have also empowered more than 20,000 through entrepreneurial trainings. These are critical preparatory steps in laying a firm foundation for our people to effectively participate in economic activities in this Country.

58. Mr. Speaker, our approach towards rebuilding the economy of Mombasa has been holistic and unique. We are focusing on attracting local and international investors through creation of an enabling investment climate and business environment. The process of starting a business has been simplified and shortened. License applications are now online. Technical support is always on standby to assist new entrants in the investment sector and facilitation is available for both local and foreign entrants into our economy and investment space.

59. Our national and global ranking on matters of investor attractiveness has greatly improved. Mombasa is seen as a strategic investment destination for almost all economic sectors. Riding on this dividend, therefore, my Government will not let go any opportunity to attract a new investor into Mombasa. Working closely with the National Government, I want to consider the creation of Mombasa as a Free Trade Zone, in harmony with the Free Port Concept discussions currently underway. This will be the first of its kind south of the\ Sahara, aiming at providing special non-fiscal incentives to investors, supporting export growth and raising the foreign exchange potential for the Country as a whole.

60. Beautification of Mombasa is also ongoing, opening up more prospects for local and international appetite for residing and working in Mombasa. As you are already aware, Kibarani dumpsite was closed and rehabilitated into a recreational park. This has opened up space for our people to enjoy the serenity of a clean and renewed City. Mwakirunge will also be transformed into a world-class facility able to showcase global standards in management
of waste and harnessing energy out of waste. We are also exploring the greening concept in Mombasa, where we shall ensure a sustainable recovery out of the current recession. Proposals have been developed to encourage green roofs on all public buildings in Mombasa, energy saving construction and development, investment in renewable energy, recycling, among other innovations.

61. To achieve all the above, Mr. Speaker, we are relying on our faithful and hardworking human resource. Our staffs are our strength. I offer my commitment to all staff, that my Administration shall take care of your needs. I am fully aware that the journey has been steep and uphill, however, it is always darkest before dawn. The sunrise moment for all of us is now at hand. Let us not despair. We will do our very best to support the much deserved promotions, re-designations, trainings, exchange programs, sports and other extra curricular activities that will provide an incentive and great motivation to the people who make things happen.

62. Technology will also be deployed to support the total transformation envisaged and also address the digitization requirements presented by the post Covid -19 era.

63. Ladies and Gentlemen, as a People united in our ambitions, let’s agree to move in harmony and ensure that within the next 3 years, we will have made a significant transformational impact on our people, in a manner that will ensure:

  • No single individual remains food poor in Mombasa. We must be able to feed ourselves and ensure food and nutrition security for generations to come;
  • The rate of growth of our economy surpasses population growth rate and the National GDP growth;
  • No young person shall remain without gainful employment;
  • Our training centres will be offering tailor made courses required by the industry and focused on meeting the needs of the economy; and
  • We will optimally tap Agriculture and the Blue Economy as transformational resources that will propel the growth and development of the County to the next level.

64. Honorable Members, for us to achieve these targets, we need a concerted effort from all of us. As a County Government, we have proposed several Bills, which have, since been presented before the House, and others are on the way. Please expedite the clearance of these. We also call upon you, Honorable Members, to develop legislations that will support our course and strategy towards self-reliance and sustainability. We need to mobilize Own
Source Revenues that will be adequate to fund our operations and delivery of services to the people of Mombasa. This must be supported by adequate legislations. We also need you to mobilize your constituents towards active participation during stakeholder sessions that we hold continuously. This is a Constitutional right that must be embraced and respected.

65. Towards the National Government, we call upon your continued support for matters of National Security, a critical element for our tourism sector and prosperity for our businesses and investment environment. We need to work together in matters of infrastructure development, driven by our needs and growing demand for the same, by our economy. The resource allocation to the County of Mombasa should also take cognizance of the fact that we are the Second Largest City in Kenya and an economic powerhouse, for not only the Country but also the region at large. With this in mind, Mombasa needs to be sufficiently resourced to tap into the virgin sector of the Blue Economy, integrated tourism, modern agriculture and value addition, as well as innovations and technology adaption for development. The Mombasa Regeneration Project was a good starting point. Further resource allocation for the renewal of the economy through the Economic Stimulus Program will be of high value to our people.

66. I call upon our Development Partners to continue with their concerted efforts towards rebuilding Mombasa and pushing the reform agenda forward. As a County, we are committed to ensuring structures are in place for sustainability of the programs, knowledge transfer, transparency and accountability for resources deployed. It is in our interest to ensure that the support received opens up opportunities for further engagements. We have already written to most of you, seeking further support on our priority areas. We call upon you to walk with us, in this journey.

67. To our Business Community, receive our sincere reassurance that we shall endeavor to support the creation of an enabling business and investment environment in Mombasa. We need to attract more investments, both local and international, and for that reason we shall focus our priorities around your needs and expectations. I make a clarion call for a new dawn, a new beginning and a platform for dialogue and fruitful engagement that will bring out the best in you for the sake of prosperity and development of Mombasa and the socio-economic transformation of our people. Mombasa is your home, you cannot run away from home. It is our expectation that you shall support us in this course and that you shall be committed to abide by the rules of the game and regulations provided. Let’s all respect the rule of law and ensure that our operations are within the dictates of reason and accountability for ourselves and for generations to come.

68. Kwa watu wangu wa Mombasa na jimbo lote la Pwani kwa ujumla, serikali yangu itawajibika kuwapa mazingira yanayostahili. Mazingira ya kikazi, kiafya, kiuchumi, na kadhalika. Tushikane mikono sote kama wakaazi wa Mombasa. Tusimame kidete, tufanye kazi pamoja. Nyinyi ndio waajiri wetu, kwa hivyo basi sisi lazima tujitolee mhanga kuwapigania haki zenu ili kuhakikisha ya kwamba ndoto zenu zinatimia. Wadogo kwa wakubwa, nyote mna haki sawa mbele yetu, nasi twawahakikishia ya kwamba utendakazi wetu utakuwa wa manufaa kwenu na kwa kila mwananchi na mgeni aingiae na kutoka mji
wetu mkuu wa Mombasa. Nawashukuru nyote kwa heshima kuu mlio nipa niwapiganie. Nataka kuwahakikishia ya kwamba mtapata huduma bora zinazo stahili. Tutawafungulia nafasi za biashara na ajira, ili muweze kujimudu kimaisha.

69. Ladies and gentlemen, as I had committed in my 10 Point Agenda at the beginning of my term in Office, I assure you that we are on course and I shall endeavor to deliver quality education; affordable health care; a 24 hour economy; a safe and secure County; modern infrastructure; an efficient waste management system; fresh and clean water; a vibrant tourism industry; support the youth and sporting activities; and women empowerment.

70. Let us therefore, commit ourselves to the goals that we have set. We should not trim our vision for fear of the fact that this will stretch us to the limit, but rather cast our sights on the horizon, understanding that the realization of these goals will have paved the way to a future, bright and hopeful, for the people of Mombasa. This is our ultimate goal and responsibility as servants of the people. We hold our people’s future, not only in our hands but also in our hearts. Indeed, this is “A Socio-Economic Rebirth for County 001”.

71. Finally Honorable Members, the world at large needs to know that Mombasa has come of age and its people have matured in politics and leadership. Our people are now focused on a Country that respects Devolution, the Rule of Law and Economic Stability. Our people are hungry for vibrant and energetic leadership that is focused and informed by the realities of the lives of its people. I stand before you today, Ladies and Gentlemen, and assure you that Mombasa is ripe! Ripe to produce a leader of that caliber. Ripe to chart a course that is prudent, clear and practical in addressing matters that are at the heart of the Kenyan People. My brothers and sisters, let us therefore give a chance to a promise of total transformation of our socio-economic status for a better future and for generations to come.

Mr. Speaker, honorable members, ladies and gentlemen, I submit that the State of the County of Mombasa is one of hope, full of promises and confidence to its people and the people of this great Nation, Kenya.

I thank you all!

His Excellency, Hon. Hassan Ali Joho, EGH
Governor, County Government of Mombasa
22nd September 2020