JubileePolitical PartiesVideo

Every Hustler Matters – Ruto

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From @williamsruto

Let us be mindful about the sorry situation of millions of Kenyans struggling to meet their daily needs and above all put food on the table. Let us acknowledge that every Hustle matters. Led the empowerment of the 2,000-member Getembe Boda Boda Sacco and 118 women and youth groups in Kitutu Chache South and South Mugirango, Kisii County. It is for this reason that we are combining all efforts from government, development partners to corporates and individuals to alleviate the suffering and aid the sector in recovering. Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises such as boda bodas and mama mbogas have been hit by the COVID-19 crisis. – Deputy President Dr. William Ruto