County GovernmentsMombasa County

British High Commissioner Pays A Courtesy Call to Mombasa Governor

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From @HassanAliJoho

The British High Commissioner to Kenya H.E. Jane Marriott paid me a courtesy call at my office. We held a very constructive discussion touching on mutual areas of partnership including the realization of Special Economic Zone, infrastructure development & enhancing water supply. I extend my sincere gratitude on behalf of the people of Mombasa to the UK Government & the British people for implementing the direct financial support program which will assist 10,000 vulnerable families who have been adversely affected by COVID-19 pandemic.

The targeted families reside mostly in informal settlements across Mombasa. This Kind gesture is not just about philanthropy but more to do with humanity and it means alot to the people of Mombasa and the country at large. The devastation occasioned on the world economy by the covid-19 pandemic can amongst many other things be mitigated through such initiatives meant to resuscitate the economies at the grassroots.