County GovernmentsMachakos County

Water Development in Machakos County

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From @DrAlfredMutua

Yesterday, while on COVID-19 sensitization tours in Kivaa ward, I visited the nearly complete Miangeni Dam constructed by my Government. The 150 million litres capacity dam will provide treated water to many towns and households. Kivaa ward in Masinga has major water scarcity and this dam, like other major dams of Nthungululu in Ndalani Ward, Yatta and the Kibaoni dam in Mwala, also built my Government, will help to alleviate water scarcity.

This dam is one of 490 dams and weirs that my administration has constructed. The dams are in addition to the 503 solar powered boreholes and over 410 kilometers of piped water to households. To me water is a right and not a privilege and I will continue to work hard to provide my people with clean water. We have made great strides and the improvement has been massive but much still remains to be done.

I also visited Kithyoko town where I urged Wananchi to take the Covid-19 seriously. I distributed masks manufactured by Machakos Vocational Training Institutes. Later I toured Matuu town and committed to modernize the town’s roads and market. We will also shortly construct the 2.5 kilometer stretch of road that leads to Matuu Level 4 hospital and Medical Training College. I thank the Member of County Assembly who joined me in the tours.

Dr. Alfred N. Mutua, EGH