County GovernmentsKirinyaga County

Kirinyaga county putting up 300 COVID-19 isolation beds

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The Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru is back to work after surviving an impeachment motion sent to the Senate by her County Assembly last week. And the health docket is the one that she is focused on saying the national government has provided Sh. 116 million for the establishment of 300 Covid-19 isolation bed capacity in Kirinyaga County.

She confirmed that the county has received the funding which will go towards enhancing the county’s Covid-19 management capacity. She said the funds will go into procuring beds and equipment for the isolation wards, ICU beds, Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs). “The process of procuring the equipment has already been initiated in accordance with the Presidential Directive to fast track the enhancement of Covid-19 management capacity in counties,” Waiguru said.

The Governor said the County government has prioritized the completion of one wing of the upcoming medical complex at Kerugoya Referral Hospital which will accommodate 200 beds Covid-19 isolation ward. Other isolations wards will be set up at Sagana Sub county Hospital (30 beds), Baricho Health Centre (13 beds), Kianyaga Health Centre (20 beds) and Kimbimbi Health Centre (23 beds). “Currently, there is a fully equipped 14-bed isolation ward at Kerugoya Referral Hospital but no patient is admitted there because there is no case in Kirinyaga,” Waiguru said.

She said the county will not be using the previously designated learning institutions since there are indications that the Ministry of Education may be reopening them. “So far the county has not registered any Covid-19 case apart from one positive person who was traced at Kutus having been tested at Malaba Border. Out of 120 samples taken for testing, none has turned positive” she said.

Governor Waiguru attributed the lack of Covid-19 cases in the county to the stringent prevention measures that the county government has adopted and consistently enforced. She said that from the time the first case was reported in the country, Kirinyaga County resolved to combat the pandemic through prevention as the first line of defense and it has since been relentlessly enforcing the prevention guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.

Some of the prevention measures that the county government has been implementing include: continuous public education on prevention guidelines such as hand washing, enforcement of social distancing, fumigation and installation of hand washing facilities in public places such as markets, health centers and bus termini.

The County has also undertaken distribution of masks and foodstuff to the vulnerable people across the county as well as partnering with other institutions in provision of sanitizers and PPEs for use by Covid-19 frontline workers. “We have also maintained a stringent disease surveillance system that includes screening of the people crossing into the county from other counties, contact tracing and ensuring that people put on quarantine adhere to the laid down protocols,” Governor Waiguru said.