County GovernmentsSiaya County

New Siaya Public Service Board Inaugurated

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From official Siaya County website,

Siaya Governor Cornel Rasanga Amoth yesterday presided over the inauguration of six nominees to the Siaya County Public Service Board.

The six, Elija Ochieng Achoch (chairman) and members; Joan Atieno Odawa, Anne Atieno Ludenyo, Dr Margaret Akinyi Oloo, Joseph Rading and Magaga Alot are now tasked with ensuring operations resume at the board after stalling for eight months following the expiry of the previous board’s term in June last year.

Speaking to the media after the brief ceremony, Mr. Rasanga praised the new team saying its members are highly qualified.

“I am happy to note that the new board represents the face of the County and that two-third gender rule in public appointments has been observed,” added the county chief, further urging the body to execute its mandate with integrity and commitment.

To partially address the question of jobs, the governor asked the board to ensure that only qualified people are appointed to serve in various capacities while giving priority to interns.

Rasanga was flanked by Deputy Governor Dr James Okumbe, Speaker George Okode, Assemblies Governance Committee Chairman Vincent Odawa, North Ugenya MCA Francis Opanga and Outgoing chairman Joe Donde.

The outgoing Public Service Board Chairman Hon. Joe Donde congratulated the incoming team urging them to consult widely to deliver on their mandate effectively.

Speaking at the same function, County Assembly speaker George Okode called for unity urging the team to discard any initiative that can cause their split as that has impacted negatively to delivery of services in the past.

“Use the law to guide your operations,” he said.