Kajiado County

56th Jamhuri Day Celebrations in Kajiado County

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From kajiado.go.ke

H.E. Joseph Lenku officiated the  56th Jamuhuri Day celebrations with a strong message to residents to desist from being used by detractors of development who were keen on scuttling the gains made by his administration in uplifting the lives of the people of Kajiado. He said the County has for a long time enjoyed peace with the different ethnicity coexisting in harmony despite holding differing social-political beliefs. He lauded the County Assembly under the leadership of Speaker Johnson Osoi for approving the list of nominees to the County Public Service Board and by doing so demonstrated the spirit of Jamuhuri of selfless giving for service to the people.

In his speech during the celebrations at Kitengela town, Lenku said his government was keen on improving access to healthcare through such initiatives as Mbuzi Moja Afya Bora as well as infrastructure development in building more roads and schools in areas of need. He further revealed that he will spearhead a monthly clean-up campaign dubbed Operation Keep Kajiado Clean (OKKC) in urban centres of the County every last Saturday of each month as a way of addressing garbage collection. “We have partnered with several youth groups to recycle garbage in ways which create business and individual revenues for the people involved,” said Lenku.

To address water challenges the governor said talks with the Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA) are underway to have the parastatal transfer its fresh water pipeline to the County Government. This  he said this will offer cheaper and affordable water to residents. Lenku also rallied his support for the people of Mosiro who had due to the deviation of a natural river by Tata Chemicals Magadi Ltd, endured without bitterness the destruction of their land by flood waters. He assured them of support in all legal means to ensure that the river’s natural course is restored.

On his part Deputy Governor Martin Moshisho urged the residents to reward the spirit of Jamuhuri Day espoused by the selfless giving of the founding fathers of the country who set the stage for the fruits of independence that they were enjoying. “Each one of you should be accountable in the fight against the  neo-colonialism of rampant poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and corruption,” he said. Moshisho called for unity of purpose between leaders, residents and stakeholders for development to be realized in all sectors.

He said it is through working together that the County Assembly and Executive formulated a one of a kind Anti-FGM Policy that is being emulated by other Counties in the republic. Kajiado East MP Peris Tobiko challenged leaders to leave a mark in the history of the County by making positive impact and spur development initiatives that will touch the lives of the people. “ Through our leadership positions let us make a difference by offering solutions to the challenges faced by our people and be remembered for the services we offered,” she remarked. Present during the celebrations were MCAs local leaders, county officers, stakeholders among others.